Online Therapy

Telehealth Therapy in California

In and age where the average consumer manages nearly all aspects of their life on-line, healthcare should be just as convenient and accessible.

Why waste time in traffic or limit yourself to therapists nearby when the world is full of experts? Finding time for self-care can be a hassle. Let me simplify things for you. Telehealth therapy gives you easy access without sacrificing effectiveness.

Imagine skipping the wardrobe change—stay cozy in your pajamas, sip coffee, and take time for yourself. I offer integrative therapy sessions online, specializing in trauma and anxiety. Because therapy should be as comfortable as your favorite sweatpants.

Getting the help you need should be stress free.

How does Online therapy work?

  • Secure video

  • Filling out paperwork through a safe portal

  • Be anywhere you feel safe

  • There are special circumstances where an individual might benefit more from in-person, but we can chat about that during our free 15 minute consultation

Frequently asked questions about Online Therapy

  • Yes, Telehealth is just as effective as in-person therapy.

  • Telehealth can be a safe method of therapy.

  • Everything is done through secure portals. You will need to be in a place where you feel safe and free of distractions to help you really process and freely express yourself. You will need either a phone or any other device that can be connected to the internet with a video and microphone connection.

Stop waiting until you have time, the time to put yourself first is now.