Exploring Alternatives: The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) Therapy
Sometimes, after trying numerous therapies without significant change, it becomes necessary to explore alternatives beyond traditional methods. Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) Therapy not only addresses trauma but also helps you reconnect with and develop your adult self. This part of you might be underdeveloped or overshadowed by daily triggers. Trauma can cause individuals to become stuck at a certain emotional age, fundamentally altering their lives.
Understanding Trauma
Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that overwhelms an individual's ability to cope, induces feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self, and impairs their ability to experience a full range of emotions. While trauma can result from a single event, it often involves a series of events starting from childhood. For instance, if a mother experiences post-traumatic stress or lacks a support system, her trauma can affect her relationship with her child. The child, unable to comprehend their emotions, cries to express needs. If the mother, in a state of postpartum distress, does not respond, the child learns early on that their needs will not be met.
As the child grows, additional traumas accumulate: the first day of school, separation from parents, harsh teachers, unmet expectations, being dismissed or punished for expressing emotions. These experiences compound over time. We carry not only our own traumas but also the unresolved traumas of previous generations until we take steps to address them.
This child then grows up and experiences a wide range of negative consequences affecting their mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. As an adult, they might feel depressed, struggle to connect with others, and harbor resentment towards their parents, even though they understand their parents "did the best they could." They might develop physical ailments; it is no surprise that people in different regions suffer from conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and sometimes ailments that cannot be explained by environmental factors alone. Our bodies store a lot of our traumas, manifesting in various ways.
Emotionally, they may experience intense feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and emotional numbness. Socially, they might find it difficult to form and maintain healthy relationships, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Behaviorally, they may engage in self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, self-harm, or overeating as coping mechanisms.
Unresolved trauma can also lead to cognitive issues, including difficulty concentrating, intrusive thoughts, and a persistent sense of fear or danger. This can hinder their ability to perform well at work or school, further impacting their self-worth and future opportunities.
Physically, the impact of stored trauma can be profound. Chronic pain, unexplained aches, gastrointestinal issues, and fatigue are common complaints among those with unhealed trauma. These physical symptoms are the body's way of expressing unresolved emotional distress.
Ultimately, the pervasive impact of unhealed trauma underscores the importance of addressing and healing these wounds.
The Unique Approach of CRM Therapy
CRM helps you explore and understand the different parts of yourself that hold various memories. It guides you on a journey of self-discovery, allowing you to feel discomfort that was previously suppressed, to revisit the past without judgment, and to reparent yourself. But what happens once we achieve this understanding? Sometimes, our younger parts simply need to be heard. The goal of CRM is to integrate these parts and develop the adult self.
What is the Adult Self?
Even as adults, our actions can be driven by past traumas. The adult self in CRM is a part of you that remains neutral, understands that events occur without internalizing them, and makes the best choices for your well-being. By nurturing this adult self, you gain the capacity to respond to life’s challenges from a place of strength and resilience, free from the control of past traumas.
What Makes Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) Therapy So Unique?
Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) therapy stands out due to its multifaceted approach, incorporating elements that many other therapies lack. In CRM, you embark on a mental journey, visualizing past, present, and future selves. You are guided by spirit animals, benevolent beings, and ancestral guides who help bring the unconscious into consciousness. If you enjoy exploring beyond the confines of this timeline and delving into the fundamentals of our world, then CRM may feel like home to you.
Key Aspects of CRM
Holistic Resourcing: CRM focuses on resourcing the mind, body, and spirit. By connecting with sacred animals, benevolent beings, and elements of nature, you create a sense of safety that allows you to confront and process deep-seated pain.
Multidimensional Healing: Unlike therapies that focus solely on the present, CRM acknowledges that trauma spans generations. It helps you heal not only your trauma but also the inherited traumas of your lineage. Additionally, it enables you to access the strengths and resilience passed down through generations, which have contributed to your survival and presence today.
Innovative Techniques: CRM employs various techniques to create a loop of resources in the brain. By using specific eye positions, CRM anchors feelings of safety, connection, and stability. This prepares the brain to access and process trauma using multiple layers of resourcing:
Breathwork: To calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.
Sound and Toning: These methods, though unconventional, help access and express emotions that are difficult to articulate.
Imagery: Intentional visualization aids in processing even the most challenging emotions.
Creating a Safe Space
CRM goes beyond traditional therapy by integrating spiritual and ancestral elements, providing a comprehensive approach to healing. The safety created through these connections allows you to delve into the depths of your trauma, facilitated by a robust support system of internal and external resources.
The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) Therapy offers a unique approach to addressing trauma and its pervasive impacts. It recognizes that traditional therapies may not always suffice, especially when dealing with deep-seated traumas that affect individuals across multiple dimensions. Trauma, defined as distressing experiences that overwhelm coping mechanisms, can linger from childhood into adulthood, shaping one's mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. Unresolved trauma can manifest in various ways, from emotional turmoil and social difficulties to physical ailments and cognitive impairments. However, CRM provides a holistic framework for healing, guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and integration. By exploring the multifaceted aspects of oneself and employing innovative techniques like eye positions, breathwork, sound, and imagery, CRM fosters a sense of safety, connection, and stability necessary for processing trauma. Ultimately, CRM offers a safe space for individuals to confront and heal from their traumas, integrating spiritual and ancestral elements to facilitate comprehensive healing. If you're drawn to exploring beyond conventional therapy methods and delving into the depths of your trauma to achieve holistic healing, then CRM may offer a sense of familiarity and homecoming.
About the Author
Elizabeth Trujillo is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist providing virtual therapy services in English and Spanish to those living in California. She is trained in multiple modalities of trauma-focused healing to best support clients who are looking to feel better.